So I am Tacha (spelt and pronounced however you would like, I am really not that fussy!). I will likely be wearing jeans and a t-shirt as I am not as fashionable as the glamorous Katy. I will also be wearing glasses like Katy and Lynne, which are slightly broken but I never seem to get round to fixing them, much to my husband's dispair.

I'm 36 and have been sewing for a while now. Probably about 10 years. I really caught the quilting bug when I was living in North Carolina. I was studying in the university in the evenings so to fill up the days I sewed away to my heart's content. I didn't realise then how lucky I was to live nearby one of the largest fabric stores I have ever been in. I could rock up and pick up pretty much any colour print my heart desired. If only I had none how lucky I was - I'd have stuffed our shipping container to the brim with fabric. I'm coming over from Berlin to London so I was worried by how much I could bring with me. In the end I decided to bring my two girls and husband and drop them off at my parents house for the weekend. Now I get to use their baggage allowance too! Yay! Lots more room for quilts and fabric. I am sure they'll only need a toothbrush and change of knickers. My Mum does have a washing machine after all!
I will be sporting the fabulous name badge made by Di and bringing the badge I have made for my partner (so sorry it is late!). And I can't wait to sit down with a few of you for a bit of EPP. I've already packed my sewing bag and I'm ready to go! See you all soon!