Fat Quarterly Issue 7 is out now! All about colour palettes and where to find help in choosing colours for your projects.


I've just been tagged by Sue from Sooziebee to share 7 random facts about me

1. I love mint choc chip ice cream but I cannot find it anywhere in Berlin. I have to just dream about it!

2. 5 years ago I ran the New York marathon in under 4 hours. One day I will run again. Luckily for me I did not get a place in the London marathon lottery this year! On a whim I entered - perhaps 2010???

3. At one point I thought about becoming a forensic pathologist and did some work experience in a morgue.

4. In 1998 I went to Chile to teach English for 9 months. My Grandma warned me I would never come back. She was right. I haven't been back to live in the UK since.

5. When I get too excited about upcoming events I always get sick and miss them! As a child I always ended up in bed on the day of the party!

6. I can't play mine sweeper anymore as I used to start dreaming about it and it drove me nuts.

7. I currently have a weakness for sour cola bottles! Yummy!

I know I am supposed to tag 7 people but Hanna has just fallen asleep after a long morning and I am off to have a cup of tea. Consider yourself tagged!

Comments (2)


November 3, 2008 at 7:08 PM

This is really fun - I love reading more about my favourite bloggers! You finished New York in under 4 hours?!? Wow! I've just decided to do my first marathon, Paris in April. I've been running for 3 years now, and it's been really eating at me...you should do it, too! You're not *that* far! :)

sue bulmer

November 3, 2008 at 8:38 PM

hey there, thanks so much for replying to my tag and also the top tips for the screen printing q.