Two very amazing and special friends of mine, Katy and Brioni, made this quilt together and are now auctioning it off with the proceeds going towards Doctors Without Borders.
This cause is very dear to my heart as my husband is Chilean and we met whilst I was living and working in Santiago. Most of his family still lives in Chile, as do many of our closest friends and they have all been fairly traumatised by the events over the last couple of weeks. There have been over 200 aftershocks since the earthquake with one only yesterday with a strength of 6.9. Everyday we hear more news about more damaged buildings and problems with lack of food and water in the most effected areas. The main roads are all destroyed and reaching some of the people most in need is proving very difficult.
So please dig deep in your pockets and head over to Brioni's blog and leave your bid.
And a huge thank you to Katy and Brioni for doing such a wonderful thing.
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